Mochiya: Forget Mochi Balls - Say Hello to Mochi Pillows! | Japan Nakama

Mochiya: Forget Mochi Balls – Say Hello to Mochi Pillows!

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Have you ever dreamt of sinking your teeth into a cloud of sweet, chewy heaven? If your answer is yes (and who wouldn’t?), then you need to experience the revolution happening in the world of Japanese mochi ice cream – at Mochiya in London, UK. Forget everything you think you know about those bite-sized mochi balls; Mochiya offers a luxurious upgrade, aptly named “Mochi Pillows” offering one of the best mochi ice cream in London.

But these Pillows are more than just a catchy name. They’re a game-changer in the mochi experience. Unlike the typical dense and sometimes sticky offerings, Mochiya’s Pillows are crafted with a unique dough recipe that achieves a pillowy-soft texture. Each bite is an explosion of delicate sweetness, like walking on air with a flavour bursting in your mouth.

This elevated mochi experience doesn’t stop there. Mochiya doesn’t shy away from flavour innovation. Gone are the days of limited options; Mochiya’s Pillows come in a dazzling array of flavours, catering to every palate.

What Is Mochi?

Mochi, pronounced MOE-chee, is a delightful treat hailing from Japan, with the first recorded accounts of mochi being used as a part of New Year’s festivities during the Heian period. 

Made from glutinous rice, it boasts a unique chewy texture unlike any other. Traditionally, mochi is pounded into a paste and moulded into different shapes, often filled with sweet bean paste for a delicious combination. Its simple ingredients and satisfying chew have made it a staple in Japanese culture for centuries.

In recent years, mochi ice cream has taken the world by storm. What’s more is that this innovative twist combines the chewy mochi dough with creamy ice cream flavours, creating a delightful contrast in textures and temperatures. Whether you favour classic flavours like chocolate or adventurous options like matcha green tea, there’s a mochi ice cream combination waiting to tantalise your taste buds. 

Who Are Mochiya?

Mochiya is home to the original ice cream Mochi Pillow and one of the best mochi ice creams in London. Furthermore, this unique creation started with Shuji, a London-born foodie who fell in love with mochi while globetrotting and selling over 3,000 Japanese snacks. Finally recognising the growing “mochi near me” searches in the UK, he joined forces with Florian, a Swiss-British talent with a rich culinary history.

Florian’s journey took him from Brussels to Taipei, crafting exquisite pastries for renowned brands like Pierre Marcolini and COVA Taiwan. His passion led him to found Panoramix Project, delving into pastry education and catering. Moreover, after navigating challenges in Shanghai, fate brought him to London in 2022, where he met Shuji in March 2023.

Mochi meets a European Twist

In addition to their shared vision which gave birth to Mochiya. Furthermore combining their expertise, Shuji’s love for Japan, and Florian’s meticulous exploration of over 30 mochi recipes, they created a unique texture – pillowy-soft yet true to traditional Japanese standards. Therefore this fusion is evident in their vibrant brand, reflecting the best of both East and West.

Craving Japanese flavors? We’ve got you covered! Dive into our collection of yummy recipes inspired by Babish which you can whip up in your kitchen.

More than just delicious, Mochiya is dedicated to quality. They source premium ingredients, from fresh fruits for Italian-style gelato to teas directly imported from Japan and Taiwan. In Addition, their London kitchen is the heart of their operation, where every step of the mochi-making process embodies authenticity. Moreover, Florian even trained with a Japanese master chef, ensuring their handmade mochi honours the ancient tradition.

Mochi Ice Cream Reinvented: Innovative & Delicious Creations!

Dive into a flavour explosion with Mochiya’s diverse mochi ice cream selection – from Matcha to Pistachio, Mochiya has it all.

For the fruit aficionado:

The nut lover’s fantasy:

The chocolate fanatics :

And for the adventurous:

  • Coffee Mochi: A delicate and strong Italian coffee ice cream encased in mochi.
  • Blood Orange Mochi: A refreshing sorbet packed with the tangy zest of blood oranges.
  • Zingy Lemon Mochi: A burst of sunshine with fresh lemon sorbet wrapped in fluffy mochi.

Beyond the Box: Discover Furoshiki, Mochiya’s Elegant & Eco-Friendly Delivery!

Mochiya’s unique delivery experience goes beyond just getting your Mochi Pillows there safely. Also, they offer the option to elevate your gift with Furoshiki, a beautiful and sustainable Japanese wrapping cloth tradition. 

Unlike disposable wrapping paper, Furoshiki allows you to present your gift in an eco-friendly style, while offering the recipient a reusable accessory.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Mochiya’s Buy 1 Get 1 Free Surprise!

Indulge in Mochiya’s limited-time Valentine’s Day offer: buy one Mochi Pillow box, get another absolutely FREE! It’s the perfect opportunity to spread the love and create unforgettable moments with your loved ones.

This offer is the perfect way to share the love and impress your friends with a truly special treat. Moreover, with a variety of tempting flavours like Chocolate, Pistachio, Hojicha, and more, there’s something to satisfy every sweet tooth. So with this amazing buy 1 get 1 free offer, you can share the experience and create a truly unique Valentine’s Day celebration.

So don’t miss out on this chance to double the deliciousness and the delight and enjoy the best mochi ice cream in London. This offer is valid until February 18th only, so visit Mochiya online or head to our store to unlock your Valentine’s Day surprise.

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